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  • Are products sold by GoldWin Racing genuine?
    Yes, all the products sold on are 100% Authentic.
  • Where does GoldWin Racing source its products from?
    All the products available on are sourced from official distributors or the company warehouses directly.
  • What parts of India is GoldWin Racing operational? Do we ship out of India?
    GoldWin Racing can deliver the products to skaters all-over India and across the globe. We can ship your order to any address in the world within 5-8 working days.
  • Can we claim warranty on products from the website?
    Yes, warranty can be availed depending upon the Manufacturer/Brand's Terms & Conditions.
  • Does the website provide offers & promotions?
    Yes. To stay notified with the Offers & Promotions provided by GoldWin Racing, please subscribe to our mailing list.


We are also open to deal with shops, clubs and coaches at special prices in wholesale quantities. To work with us and for more information under the Wholesale section, please contact us on +91 909 630 5665.

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